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NOTIFICATION Dated 02-12-2024: Guidelines for the purpose of filing of pleadings, petitions, affidavits or other documents in the High Court.

NOTIFICATION Dated 29-11-2024: Hon’ble Mr. Justice S. Datta Purkayastha will not be available for judicial work on 30.11.2024 (Saturday).

ADVERTISEMENT NO. FC 01/2024 dated 29-11-2024: Application for recruitment to the miscellaneous posts of (A) Personal Assistant Junior Grade (PA-II) & (B) Lower Division Clerk for the establishment of the Family Courts of Tripura.

NOTIFICATION Dated 29-11-2024: Cancellation of Tender No.F.6(28)-HC/2024/24157-63 dated, 4th October, 2024 AND F.6(28)-HC/2024/24157-63 dated, 4th October, 2024.

NOTIFICATION Dated 29-11-2024: Deferment of interview (Viva Voce) for filling up the vacancies in the cadre of Grade-I of Tripura Judicial Service from the Grade-II Officers.

NOTIFICATION Dated 27-11-2024: Interview (Viva Voce) for filling up the vacancies in the cadre of Grade-I of TJS by regular promotion from Grade-II of the Service will be held on 29.11.2024 (Friday) at 02:00 P.M.

NOTIFICATION Dated 26-11-2024: Reconstitution of the Purchase Committee of the High Court of Tripura for procurement of Computer and its peripherals under e-Courts Project.

NOTIFICATION Dated 26-11-2024: Reconstitution of the High Court Computer Committee (HCCC) to oversee the various tasks related to eCourts Project components.

NOTIFICATION Dated 22-11-2024: Scheme for engaging Research Associate in Tripura Judicial Academy.

NOTIFICATION Dated 22-11-2024: Declaration of L1 bidder in connection with the e-Tender No. F.6(21)-HC/2024 (eProc. under Ph-III)/19292 dated 14-08-2024 for Supply, Commissioning, Installation, Testing & Maintenance of DG Set, Kiosk and Tablet for the High Court of Tripura & its District Courts.

NOTIFICATION Dated 22-11-2024: Constitution of Bench for the National Lok Adalat scheduled to be held on 14.12.2024.

Advertisement No. 03/2024 Dated 21-11-2024: Applications for filling up 03 (three) vacant posts of Cook (Group-D) in the establishment of the High Court of Tripura, Agartala.

NOTIFICATION Dated 19-11-2024: Constitution of Division Benches in partial modification of the prevalent roster dated 02.11.2024.
NOTIFICATION Dated 19-11-2024: The High Court of Tripura Petition Writers (Grant and Regulation of Licence and Conduct) Rules, 2024.
NOTIFICATION dated 14-11-2024:Technical Bid Opening Summary in connection with e-tender vide no. F.6(21)-HC/2024(eProc. under Ph-III)/19292 dated 14.08.2024.
NOTIFICATION Dated 13-11-2024: Postponement of Written Test for filling up of 01(one) vacant post in Grade-I of Tripura Judicial Service vide Registry’s Advertisement No. 02/2024 dated 31.08.2024.
CORRIGENDUM dated 06-11-2024: Regarding various eTenders (e-Tender F.6(21)-HC/2024(eProc.Ph-III)/ 24065, 24134 & 23935.
NOTIFICATION Dated 05-11-2024: Re-constitution of the Accessibility Committee for the High Court of Tripura.
NOTIFICATION Dated 02-11-2024: Re- constitution of the Commercial Appellate Divisions in the High Court of Tripura.
NOTIFICATION Dated 02-11-2024: Modification of the extant Roster issued vide Notification No.F.40(1)-HCT/Judl/ROSTER/2024/8450, dated 02.08.2024.

NOTIFICATION Dated 29-11-2024: Cancellation of Tender No.F.6(28)-HC/2024/24157-63 dated, 4th October, 2024 AND F.6(28)-HC/2024/24157-63 dated, 4th October, 2024.
NOTIFICATION dated 14-11-2024:Technical Bid Opening Summary in connection with e-tender vide no. F.6(21)-HC/2024(eProc. under Ph-III)/19292 dated 14.08.2024.
NOTIFICATION dated 14-11-2024:Technical Bid Opening Summary in connection with e-tender vide no. F.6(21)-HC/2024(eProc. under Ph-III)/19292 dated 14.08.2024
CORRIGENDUM dated 06-11-2024: Regarding various eTenders (e-Tender F.6(21)-HC/2024(eProc.Ph-III)/ 24065, 24134 & 23935.
TENDER dated 04-10-2024: Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of the hardware equipments comprising of Laptops, iPad, Document Visualizer, Camera, Printers, UPS, LAN Switch etc. of the Registry of the High Court of Tripura for the year 2024-25.
TENDER dated 04-10-2024: Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of the Server (Rack/Pedestal) for the High Court & District Courts of Tripura for the year 2024-25.
NOTIFICATION Dated 27-09-2024: Award of Bid for Providing 14 Security Guards, Plumber and Electrician Services at Tripura Judicial Academy.
TENDER Dated 03-10-2024: Notice Inviting Tender for SUPPLY, COMMISSIONING, INSTALLATION, TESTING & MAINTENANCE OF Networking Item for the High Court of Tripura & its District Courts.
ABRIDGED NOTICE INVITING TENDER Dated 01-10-2024: Supply, Commissioning, Installation, Testing & Maintenance of Display Unit(TV), PTZ Camera, Microphone, UPS for the High Court of Tripura & its District Courts.
ABRIDGED NOTICE INVITING TENDER Dated 30-09-2024: Supply, Commissioning, Installation, Testing & Maintenance of Computer Hardware and its peripherals for the High Court of Tripura & its District Courts.

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